Chapter 1

                Hunter’s back hurt from lying on a stone floor for so long. His eyes adjusted to the sunlight shining in from the barred windows of the dungeon-like prison he found himself in. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Taking a quick look around, he found himself in a cell with another person. His eyes finally focusing he ran over. He sat down next to a crying Marina. “It’s Kyle. I don’t know what’s happening, but he’s been taken. By…By some….thing.” She said tearily. Hunter put an arm around her an rubbed her arm to try and calm her down. There was the sound of a door opening and another noise. It almost sounded like…slithering. Hunter looked up as a serpent-like creature opened the door to the cell and pointed a spear at the two of them. Hunter stood up and helped Marina up. The two of them cautiously followed the creature through some musty hallways to a large room. Taking a quick look around Hunter found himself to be in what looked like an arena. In front of him, he saw a woman. She had familiar features and a crown of poppies on her head. At her right-hand sat a familiar figure. “Hunter! Step forward!” The woman said clearly, her voice ringing in the room “Choose your weapon!” Hunter looked down as his watch and his pendant appeared at his feet. He slipped them on and grabbed it, turning into his shining golden hunting knife. The woman waved her hand and a Laistrygonian giant entered the arena. He cracked his knuckles and at the signal, charged at Hunter. Hunter gripped his knife and, with a spin, dodged out of the way. The giant turned to face Hunter. Hunter threw his knife. It flew through the air and planted itself right in the giant’s forehead. The giant crumbled to dust. Hunter casually walked over to his knife and picked it up, dusting it off on his pants. He stood and faced the woman again. An annoyed look spread across her face. “Child. Go.” She said pointing at Hunter. The figure at her right hand stood up. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a trowel as he walked toward Hunter. The trowel transformed into a scythe. The figure finally came into focus, his blonde hair and skinny figure becoming evident. Kyle……….
                Hunter woke up with a slight start, his dream lingering in his mind. “What….What was that?” He said to himself as he heard a knock on the door. Hunter sat up and rubbed his eyes. He stumbled to the door and flicked on the lights before opening it. He was in a pair of plaid pajama pants and socks. Alex Marks stood in his doorway. Hunter yawned before smiling at Alex. “Hi, Alex. What brings you to Hunter’s quarters?” He said moving away from the door and letting her in. He sat down on his bed after clearing a spot for Alex in his desk chair. She sat down casually.
                “Well, I was just coming to see how you liked living on Olympus.” She said with a friendly smile. Hunter shrugged.
                “It’s fine. Lady Artemis is keeping me busy. I’m keeping in touch with some people back at camp. Why do you ask at 5 in the morning?” He said a little indignantly. Alex raised an eyebrow.
                “5? Hunter it’s like 8. Apollo left a long time ago.” She said as she walked over to the windows and threw open the blinds. Sunlight poured into the room making Hunter squint. “And camp is actually why I came here. Phoebe ‘ordered’ me to visit. I wanted to see if you wanted to come along.” She said rocking on her heels slightly. Hunter was still adjusting to the new lighting.
                “Umm…Sure. I guess. I mean, I have to check with Lady Artemis first, but I think I’m good to go.” He said smiling a little. Alex smiled and walked to the door. Opening it she turned back to look at him.
                “I’m leaving in a few hours. I’d love to see you back at camp. Bye, Hunter.” She said before leaving the room. Hunter sat staring at the door for a few minutes before lying back on his bed and letting out a sigh. Oh, crap! He thought as he realized where needed to be at 8:30. He got out of bed and hurriedly got dressed. Grabbing his bag he sprinted out the door and ran to Artemis’ quarters where she stood waiting.
                “It’s 8:30, Hunter.” She said looking at him with a furrowed brow. Hunter studied the ground and mouthed along as she said, “the hunt waits for no one.” Hunter looked up at her with a nod.
                “Sorry, ma’am. Won’t happen again, ma’am.” He said with a nod before following her to the Pegasus stables. “Hey, Ulysses.” He said as he patted his grey Pegasus on the nose. The horse let out a brief snort. Hunter hopped onto his winged horse’s back.
                “We’re headed to South Dakota. Follow me.” Artemis said before taking off on her Pegasus that shined like the moon itself. Hunter nodded and took off after her.