Chapter 24

                When they arrived back at the Pegasi, Hunter helped Kyle put Marina onto Petunia’s back. He turned to Jimmy. “Jimmy, go back to Camp, okay?” Hunter whispered into his ear. Jimmy snorted and shook his head. Hunter looked at him quizzically. “Oh, you’re going to follow us? How noble and loyal you are.” Hunter said with a chuckle. Jimmy nodded and whinnied before shaking his head into a regal posture. “Alright. Come on.” Hunter said as he ran over to Ulysses and mounted. He kicked lightly and Ulysses zoomed into the air with Jimmy and Petunia, carrying sleeping Marina in front and support Kyle in the back. Their main intention was to get away from Punxsutawney. Hunter was pretty sure that law enforcement wouldn’t take too kindly to 3 heavily armed teenagers surrounded by several unconscious people.
                “Hunter! She’s waking up!” Kyle said with a grin before turning his gaze to Marina. Hunter watched as Kyle whispered quietly into her ear. He could see her eyes slowly blink open before realizing what their current situation held in store for her. All of a sudden, a scream rang through the air and Hunter looked over to see Marina clinging to Kyle for dear life and screaming like a banshee. “Let’s set down! Hunter! Down!” Kyle managed to communicate over the fretting Marina. Hunter nodded and started to scan the woods below. He spotted a nearby clearing and directed Kyle to it. Marina screamed all the way down until Petunia’s hooves touched the ground. She closed her mouth and calmly slipped off of Petunia’s back before laying face down onto the grass.
                “What happened? Why don’t I remember? Why didn’t you tell me we were flying?!” She muttered, her voice muffled by the ground. She took a deep breath and groaned loudly. Hunter looked over at Kyle who looked back at him and shook his head. He waved his hand and right in front of above Marina’s head a flower grew. Marina looked up and picked it from the ground. Kyle knelt down and took it from her before placing it in her hair.
                “It’s a tulip-orchid-rose hybrid. I named it the Marina.” Kyle said with a grin. Marina melted into his arms. Hunter rolled his eyes and walked away from the loving couple. He looked back for a second before looking at his watch. Nothing seemed particularly different about it. He summoned his bow. What appeared was not his bow. This bow was about as tall as Hunter was and looked like it was fashioned from two small trees, bent and tied together. Hunter felt its weight. It was surprisingly light, considering its size. He drew an arrow, but it was a boxing glove arrow so he put it back.
                “Normal.” He whispered as he touched the bottom of his quiver. He reached in and pulled out an arrow with a tip that seemed to be so sharp you could get cut by being near it. The arrow was thick enough to be used as a spear and had jet black feathers at the end. Hunter notched it and took aim at a tree nearby. The pullback was easy, which came as a shock to Hunter. He fired and watched as the arrow flew like a laser and stuck into the tree with a loud crack. Splinters, leaves, and branches flew from the jagged stump. “Whoa.” Hunter put away his bow and walked forward. He examined the remains of the tree when he heard the faint sound of hissing behind him. He turned around to see the arrow embedded halfway into another tree. He furrowed his brow and took another step closer the wood around the arrow was slowly dissolving. “Oh my gods…Marina! Kyle! Come look at this!” He shouted. Kyle and Marina came bursting through the trees and stood by Hunter.
                “What is it?” Kyle asked quietly, his mouth agape in astonishment.
                “Oh, I know what this is.” Marina said calmly. Hunter and Kyle both looked at her quizzically. “It’s Hydra venom. Highly acidic.” She said with a nod. Hunter looked at the bow. Kyle kept looking at Marina. “From the arrows. That came with the bow. The arrows are venomous!” She said finally.
                “Oh…Why didn’t you just say that?”
                “Well, I figured you would have read the story of Hercules. My mistake.” She said with an eye roll. “Can I see it?” She asked, excitedly. Hunter looked at the bow and shrugged. He carefully handed it over to Marina who grabbed it and as soon as Hunter let go, it dropped out of her hands. “Oh my gods! I’m so sorry!” She exclaimed. “That thing is heavier than I thought! She knelt down to grab it, but she couldn’t lift it.
                “Here. Let me try.” Kyle said, lightly shoving Marina out of the way who stepped off to the side with crossed arms and an eyebrow raised. Kyle cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together. He took a deep breath and grabbed the bow. He pulled hard and the bow didn’t move. “Haha. Let me just get a better grip.” He said nervously. He readjusted and pulled hard. Letting out a loud groan, he pulled until his face was red, when his hand slipped off and hit him in the chest. He hung his head and took a step back. Hunter tried to hide his laughter. He couldn’t tell if Kyle was red from embarrassment or from strain.
                “So, it really is the bow of Hercules.” Marina said looking at it. “ I had doubts, because you were able to whip it around like you were, but I was wrong.” She said quietly. Hunter reached down and picked it up before examining it closely.
                “I wonder if you can only use it if you’re a ‘wielder.’ That’s what Philoctetes said I was, now.” Hunter said with a sigh. He was curious what this would mean in the long-run. “I don’t really want to poison everyone that I hit with an arrow.” He said quietly. He touched his quiver and whispered “Non-poison.” He reached back and notched another arrow. It looked the same as the previous one, but he took a deep breath and fired anyway into a tree a few dozen yards away. The arrow landed with a loud whump. Hunter walked over and saw that the only the fletching of the arrow was sticking out. He reached and grabbed the arrow, but pulled his hand back at the feeling of a sharp pain. He looked at his palm which was red with blood. “What in the…Marina! Come here.” He shouted. Kyle and Marina jogged over and looked at his hand.
                “Oh goodness.” She said as she reached into her bag and produced some bandages. She quickly wrapped his hand before looking up at him. “What happened?” Hunter chuckled lightly and pointed to the arrow sticking out of the tree. Marina walked over and plucked a feather out of the arrow. Hunter raised an eyebrow.
                “How is that you can…” He said, confusedly. Marina shrugged.
                “It’s a Stymphalian bird feather. I’m a child of Hephaestus, remember? I work in the forges all day, so my hands get calloused.” She said with a chuckle. Kyle nodded.
                “She’s right. It’s like holding hands with sand paper.” He said. Marina scoffed and slapped him in the arm.
                “This thing is dangerous…” Hunter said looking from his bow to the arrow in the tree. “Alright. We need to figure out the next part of the quest, but we can do that tomorrow. Let’s camp for the night.” He said with a sigh. Kyle and Marina nodded and the three of them headed back to the clearing. They made camp and began to settle in for the night. “Maybe, we’ll have a normal night for once.” He said, sitting up against a fallen tree.

Chapter 23

                Hunter dodged around Marina’s sword and cursed under his breath. “Okay! Nemean Lion. Hydra. Ceryneian Hind. Eymanthian Boar. Augean Stables in a day. Stymphalian Birds. Cretan Bull. Mares of Diomedes.”
                “That is correct. You have 4 Labors left.”
                “Umm…What was it?” Hunter said. He had read the story so many times. How could he forget? “Is it…the Girdle of Hippolyta?” He said cautiously.
                “That is correct. You have 3 Labors left.”
                “Nice one! Is it those cattle, now? Geryon’s cattle?” Kyle said frantically.
                “That is correct. You have 2 Labors left.”
                “It’s…Uh…Dang it! Why can’t I remember?” Hunter said, as he parried Marina’s attack. There had to be something he was missing. “OH! OH!” He said frantically, removing his attention for a second. It was just long enough for Marina to knock his legs out from under him. Hunter fell to the ground and she stood over him with her sword raised. Hunter closed his eyes and braced for the attack. “Golden apples of Hesperides and capturing the Cerberus!” He said quickly.
                “That is correct. You have named all of the Labors.” Philoctetes said. Immediately, everything became silent. Hunter opened his eyes slowly. Marina stood over him, her sword drawn and raised for a killing blow. He quickly scurried out from under her and stood up, brushing himself off.
                “This is quite the mess you’ve gotten yourself into, isn’t it, Harold?” Hunter turned around to see Mr. D leaving up against the cage of Philoctetes.
                “It’s Hunter, sir. Might I ask what you’re doing here?” Hunter said taking a step forward.
                “Well, Henry-“
                “It’s Hunter.”
                “Well, Hiram, do you see these people? Even your friend Marina? They’re in this state of Frenzy. This state of…madness. That’s where I come in. Madness is kind of my deal.” He said with a shrug. He snapped his fingers. Hunter looked at him for a second before turning toward the army of mortals. The red drained from their eyes. He glanced over at Marina to see the same thing. “Now, once we’re done with this little chat, Harrison, they are going to be asleep. They’re fine. I mean, except for all of the ham-fisted things you did to them. Other than that, they’ll be normal. Now, if you’ll excuse me…” He explained before turning to leave.
                “Sir. It’s still Hunter, but thank you.” He said with a nod. Mr. D lingered for a second before vanishing. Suddenly, everything stepped into motion again. “Kyle! Catch her!” He shouted. Kyle blinked his eyes in confusion, before speeding over to catch Marina as she fell asleep.
                “How did you-“
                “Don’t worry.” Hunter said with a wave as he walked over to Philoctetes. He bent down slightly and looked in the cage. “Where’s the bow?” He said quietly.
                “You have proven yourself a worthy wielder of the bow.” Hunter turned around to see a glowing man. He looked tall and strong. Hunter looked down to see the man kneeling and holding the bow up to Hunter. Hunter looked at the bow then looked up at Kyle.
                “Kyle, this is your quest. You should have the bow.” Hunter said quietly. Kyle looked at him and shook his head.
                “No, man. I can’t use a bow. You know that. Just take it. I don’t mind. Seriously, it’s not a problem.” Kyle said with a smile before looking back at Marina. He gently kissed her forehead and lightly brushed her cheek. Hunter smiled gently and returned his gaze to the glowing man.
                “Umm…I accept?” Hunter said, not exactly sure about the protocol of the situation. “Rise, Philoctetes. You have done well.” Hunter said with a shrug, trying to sound official. He reached toward the bow and let his hand linger over it for a moment. It seemed to be teeming with energy. He took a deep breath before finally gripping it. It glowed a bright white. The glow seemed to hum quietly. Hunter watched closely as the glow moved toward the middle of the bow. Then to Hunter’s hand, down into his watch. It hummed loudly and automatically summoned his quiver, which appeared on Hunter’s back. It continued to shift until landing on his quiver and making it glow brightly before dimming down. He stood in astonishment as his quiver and the bow disappeared.
                “Hunter? Hunter! We should probably leave, no?” Kyle said as he picked the unconscious Marina in his arms. Hunter shook back to reality and looked up at him.
                “Oh, yeah. Let’s go.” He muttered, more curious about the bow, then anything else.

Chapter 22

                Hunter looked up at Philippa who stared blankly back at him. She finally tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “Philippa! Are you okay?” Hunter said as he stepped onto the platform. Something felt wrong. There was something odd about her. “Philippa? What’s wrong?”
                “Philippa. You care for this one?” She asked in a distorted voice. “Hunter. This one cares for you greatly.” Hunter drew his bow and notched an arrow.
                “Who are you? What did you do to Philippa?” He asked quietly as he took aim. Philippa looked at him and laughed.
                “I am your Philippa.” She said with an evil smile. “Come, Hunter. Bed me.” She said with a vicious cackle. “No? I’m not fooling anyone, am I? Sisters!” She shouted. 2 girls appeared beside her. Hunter’s eyes widened.
                “Lily? Odessa? What is going on?!” He shouted as he moved his aim between the three of them. They looked at each other and then broke into a cackle that made shivers run up Hunter’s spine.
                “Were these your friends, child? Did you care for these?” Lily asked quietly. “Fire then. These are lost to you. You will not get the bow without killing the ones that you care for so dearly.” She stared at Hunter for a moment before scoffing and turning to her Philippa and Odessa. Hunter stared and hesitated before finally releasing and firing his arrow straight at Lily. They disappeared with the sound of cackling hanging in the air.
                “Kyle. Get the bow. We need to get out of here.” Hunter said quietly as he scanned around for his targets. Kyle nodded and hurried over to the groundhog.
                “What do I do?! Do I talk to it or something?!” Kyle asked frantically, arms waving.
                “Try something! Figure it out!” Hunter said turning  around to see Philippa standing right in front of him. She smiled and let out a short giggle before slamming her hand into Hunter’s chest, propelling through the air and landing with a thud. He groaned as he stood up and drew his knife. Marina ran over, sword drawn.
                “THAT’S Philippa? You sure know how to pick ‘em, don’t you, Hunter?” She said looking around.
                “No, that’s something else using her body.” Hunter said quietly. An evil laugh rang through the air. He turned around to see Odessa floating over a group of mortals. She smirked at Marina and Hunter before landing and changing her smile into a frightened scowl.
                “Help! Help! Those two are attacking me! KILL THEM!” She said waving her hands around them. They turned toward Hunter and Marina, eyes glowing red. They stared for a second before charging. Hunter switched to his bow and touched his quiver.
“Boxing glove.” He whispered quietly. He drew an arrow with a boxing glove as an arrowhead. “Thank you, party ponies.” He said with a chuckle as he fired into the first mortal. “Marina! Net! Run to the platform!” He said before firing another arrow and turning and running. Marina pulled a small makeup case and pressed a button on it. It grew into a large hand cannon covered in buttons and levers.  She flipped a green one and turned around and fired. A large net came flying from the end with a loud THOOM! Hunter didn’t look back to see if it did anything, but he hoped that it did. He finally reached the platform and jumped onto it. “Kyle! Status update!” Hunter said as he fired another boxing glove arrow, knocking a man on his back.
“Yes, hold on.” He said quietly to the groundhog before turning to Hunter and Marina. “We need to-Marina! Look out!” He said as Philippa appeared behind her. Marina turned around and gasped. Philippa seemed to tap her forehead.
“We’ve grown bored with this. Goodbye, Hunter.” Philippa said with a grin. She waved and laughed before disappearing. Marina stood there, seemingly frozen. She suddenly whipped around with glowing red eyes. She drew her sword and charged at Kyle who let out a short scream before ducking under her blade.
“Kyle! Focus! What do we need to do?!” Hunter shouted before notching another arrow and firing. Hunter turned briefly to see Kyle blocking Marina’s attacks with his scythe.
“Umm…We…uh…We nee-AH! We need to name the 12 Labors of Hercules! In order!” Kyle said between blocks. Hunter rolled his eyes.
“Are you serious?!” He shouted as he fired another arrow. “Dang it. Dang it. Dang it!” He said as he kicked a hand away from his leg. “Uh…There was…Crap….”
“That is not correct.” A voice spoke. Hunter turned to see the groundhog looking up at him.
“Does he…”
“Talk? Yeah. I know. It freaked me out, too.” Kyle said as he blocked another attack. “Okay! Labors. Labors. La-What the-“ He said as Marina kicked him in the ribs, knocking him onto his butt. Hunter quickly aimed and fired a boxing glove that hit Marina in the back. She stumbled forward. She turned with glowing red eyes to Hunter and charged. Hunter cursed under his breath and blocked her attack with his bow.
                “Kyle! Take care of them!” Hunter shouted as he quickly switched to his knife and blocked another attack. Kyle nodded and ran over to where Hunter had been standing. He waved his hand and vines sprouted up from the ground and started entangling the mortals who ripped out of them and continued their assault. Kyle waved and more vines grew. “Okay! Let’s think! The Nemean Lion was first, right?!”
                “That is correct. You have 11 Labors left.” Philoctetes said calmly. Hunter nodded and ducked under Marina’s sword.
                “Then the Hydra!” Kyle said as he kicked a hand away and summoned more vines to entrap the army of crazed mortals.
                “That is correct. You have 10 Labors left.”
                “Oh! I know this one! The Ceryneian Hind! And then that uh…What was it? The boar! The Erymanthian Boar!” Hunter said as he dodge and swept Marina’s legs out from under her.
                “That is correct. You have 8 Labors left.”
                “He had to clean some stables, right? The uh…Augean Stables! He had to clean them in a day!”
                “Then the Stymphalian Birds!”
                “Cretan Bull! Mares of Diomedes!
                “Then…Crap.” Hunter said as he blocked an attack. “Are we all out of animals?” He said frantically.
                “No, there were Geryon’s cattle still.” Kyle said, as he elbowed a mortal off the platform.
                “That is incorrect. Please start over.”

Chapter 21

                Hunter tried as hard as he could to break free, but the harder he tried, the more the thorns dug into his flesh. He could feel them scratch and cutting, practically grating his body. “Kyle! Stop this!” He said as the brambles moved to his waist, inching slowly up toward his head. “You can still stop this! Help me!” He shouted as he turned his head back and forth, trying to see an escape. His bow lay out of reach and his knife was stuck in pendant form. There was no way out. He twisted and squirmed as the vines grew tighter and tighter. They finally reached his neck and pinned it down, cementing his head straightforward right at the ceiling. “Kyle! Kyle!” He shouted just as Kyle walked into his line of sight. He had a sad look on his face.
                “Kill him, my boy! Kill him and this will all be over!” Demeter said, materializing next to him. “Kyle! He’s right there! Kill him!” She egged him on. Kyle looked from her and then back to Hunter and slowly raised his scythe.  “Do it, now! I’ve given him to you on a silver platter!” Hunter’s eyes widened at the realization. She’s doing this to me. Kyle, I’m so sorry.
                “I’m sorry.” Kyle said as he brought the scythe down hard. The handle hit the ground with a thud and the thorny vines turned to flowers which seemed to start kissing Hunter’s wounds. “Mother. We just want the bow. We’re on a quest.” He said stepping between her and Hunter. Hunter couldn’t imagine how he felt about directly defying his mother like this. “The quest says that we need Hercules’ bow. The groundhog-“
                “I KNOW WHO HAS IT!” Demeter said, her features darkening. “He tricked you, Kyle! He’s been to the underworld! He’s working with Hades! He wants my Persephone for herself!” She said pointing at Hunter accusingly. She waved her hand and the flowers disappeared and the thorns sprouted out and dug into Hunter, causing him to cry out in pain. Kyle looked from his mother to Hunter and shook his head. He stamped his scythe on the ground, reverting the thorns back to flowers. Hunter’s vision started to become hazy from the loss of blood.
                “I’ve been there, too. I looked Hades in the eye. He almost killed Hunter. Why would Hades kill his own spy? Mom, please. Let him go. Give us the bow. Please.” He said, pleadingly. Hunter watched as Demeter seemed to be fighting with herself.  “If you trust me, you can trust Hunter.”
                “Fine.” She said coldly. She waved her hand and the vines disappeared. Hunter took a deep breath and let his body relax finally. Marina rushed over and knelt down next to him. A loud groan sounded. Hunter looked at the source and saw Demeter look very tired all of a sudden. She seemed to faint slightly. Kyle caught her and helped her stand straight. “Hmm? What’s going on? Kyle? What are you doing here?” She asked quietly as her eyes scanned the room. She looked down at Hunter. “Oh, what is this?!” She said as she hurried over to him. She knelt down and focused for a second.  Hunter’s wounds slowly closed up and the color, lost from the blood loss, returned to his face. Hunter shook his head as his vision became clear. He sat up and examined his arms and legs where several scars peppered his skin. He looked at his clothes which were practically shreds. “What happened here? I feel like…I was cursed.” She said quietly.
                “Mom, we need the bow of Hercules.” Kyle said, cutting to the chase. She shook her head and looked at him. “Mom, I’m glad you’re okay, but we need the bow.” He said urgently.
                “I can’t give that to you. I don’t have it. You’ll need to speak to Philoctetes. He guards the bow.” She said with a shrug.
                “Where is it? Are we close? Which way do we go?” Hunter said, finally regaining his composure. Demeter shook her head.
                “No, we’re in Maine. Come, children. Stand close.” She said. Hunter, Marina, and Kyle looked at each other and shrugged. The three of them stepped close to Demeter who wrapped them into a hug. She closed her eyes and suddenly they were back in Punxsutawney. “You have until 2 to get the bow. Good luck, children. My drakones shouldn’t bother you anymore.” She smiled softly at Kyle and looked at Marina. “Take care of him, won’t you, Marina?” She chuckled quietly before disappearing. Hunter nodded before turning toward the town. Immediately he knew something was wrong. There was a sense of panic in the air.
                “Come on. We need to hurry!” Hunter said before sprinting into the town. He dodged around people frantically running around and fighting with each other. He finally came upon the platform where the groundhog was. He saw a girl with her back to him. She seemed to be hunched around the groundhog. There was something familiar about her. “Hey! Get away!” Hunter said as he notched an arrow. She stood up straight and turned around. Hunter’s heart dropped. “Philippa.”